Where the past and present collide
Realms of memory is a podcast dedicated to telling the story of how countries confront their darkest chapters. Most countries have unsavory episodes in their past that they would rather forget. It is far more appealing to imagine your people in a heroic light or to cast misfortune in terms of victimization. Few are willing to assume responsibility for their actions as perpetrators through an honest and open accounting of the past. However, we are living in an age where the crimes of the past are increasingly colliding with calls for recognition and justice in the present. In some cases, rulings have been reached, legislation has been enacted, and reparations have been given to the survivors and their families. In other instances, unsettling memories of the past have been censored, whitewashed, or overshadowed by more reassuring and uplifting narratives.
Every country confronts the past differently and none does so flawlessly. The aim of this podcast is to benefit from the wealth of research by scholars around the globe to gain a deeper understanding of where and how the past and present are colliding and what efforts are being made to address this reality. Each episode will feature a different country, a different story, and the unique insights from a specialist with years of expertise on the subject. The hope is that this podcast will contribute to a larger conversation about the benefits of confronting the past and the dangers that arise when we fail to take up this challenge.